State Warden

Dan Killoran

Brother Dan, born in Ontario, is married to Maria. They have 8 children and 14 grandchildren.  As part of a family of 13 siblings, eleven boys and two girls, sports made a way into his life from an early age.  He is currently retired and endeavoring to improve his game of golf and curling.  


Dan studied computers after high school and, after completing his courses, entered the industry as a computer applications programmer.  He worked with small to medium sized businesses – domestically and internationally – to “design, produce, and install” their computerized Management Accounting Software in areas like Construction, Manufacturing, Distribution, Municipalities, Hydro and Water billing, etc.  Dan and his family travelled to New Zealand for a year and continued this work as a project manager and the technical sales support for activities in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji.


Along with his wife Maria, Brother Dan continues to serve in his parish as a full, active, and conscious member.


Brother Dan joined the Knights in the 100th anniversary of the Order and has, as time progressed, occupied all executive positions and most program positions.  His time as District Deputy, Faithful Navigator, Past Grand Knight, and Past Financial Secretary have given him a well-informed approach to the operation of the Order.  Dan has also been involved with Alberta/NWT State programs including the Pilgrim Icon Prayer program.