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2024 DD Training July 6-7 Session Recordings

The sessions recordings begin after the morning workshop on engaging with our councils on membership building.  Each recording runs for about 30 minutes.  


Session 1 12:05-12:35 Driving Growth 

Session 2 12:35-1:05 

Session 3 1:05-1:40 Supreme Knights Address video and Deacon Bong presentation video Into the Breach 

Session 4 1:40-2:10 Importance of Recruiting and our membership 

Session 5 2:10-2:40 Dan Killoran Membership, Ian Clark Membership Buddy Concept, SD John Org Chart

Session 6 2:40-3:10 Working towards Star Council for all of our Councils, Ian Clark State Treasurer

Session 7 3:10-3:40 Vice Supreme Master Willis Winter, 

Session 8 3:40-4:10 Wrap up before Mass


Session 9 8:30-9:00 IT/Mike Subasic, Life Report Patrice, Faith Deacon Bong, Community Ross Szentmiklossy

Session 10 9:00-9:30 Pennies for Heaven Chairman, 

Session 11 9:30-10:00

Session 12 10:00-10:30 Deacon Bong, Faith in Action, Council Events

Session 13 10:30-11:00 Coats for Kids, Financial Secretary online system, Safe Environment Training

Session 14 11:00-11:30 Wrap up, send off video, and safe environment training importance. 

Formation Program

January 2024 Formation Program January VIDEO

February 2024 Formation Program February VIDEO

March 2024 Formation Program MarchVIDEO

April 2024 Formation Program April VIDEO

May 2024 Formation Program May VIDEO

June 2024 Formation Program June VIDEO

September 2024 Formation Program September VIDEO

October 2024 Formation Program October VIDEO

November 2024 Formation Program

December 2024 Formation Program

2024 Formation Programs

2023 Formation Programs

2022 Formation Programs

2021 Formation Programs


Our Formation Programme is offered to all councils of the Jurisdiction. It is in no way imposed as “official”. Its purpose is to ensure a balance between Knights of Columbus good works and faith, since the former if not nourished by prayerful reflection, can become just another social justice program with little relation to Christ or membership of the people of God.


In the renewal of our rituals the sacraments play a great role. And since we are a sacramental Church, it would be fitting to reflect again on the sacraments and what they mean in our daily lives.

The Sacraments are our energizing agents for our activities to bring into our world and families which were expressed at the Supreme Convention in Denver as theme: “So that the world may know new hope”

(Blessed John Paul II)


First, each Council must take ownership of its own programme.

Second, a few enthusiastic leaders in each Council (not the Grand Knight or Chaplain) should familiarize themselves with the programme and the theme for the discussion the night of the meeting. They can then be responsible for distribution of sufficient copies to members, lead the readings and, when necessary lead or support the sharing and reflection. It may take a little work to get started but the effort is worth it. Many Councils in our Jurisdiction for years have enjoyed this spiritual component to their busy agenda and welcome the opportunity to learn at each meeting something new about the Catholic Faith. In these days when as Christi-fideles Laici, Knights of Columbus often have to stand up and be counted in discussions on controversial issues regarding faith, morals and common decency. The Programme, if followed faithfully, may help in doing so.

Prayer of St. Vincent Pallotti

Almighty Father, during his life on earth, Christ implored you earnestly for the unity of his followers.

We are to be one, as you, Father, are one with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We confess that human weakness and guilt have divided the Church.

Give us, your people, the spirit of discernment. Remove misunderstanding and prejudice from among us. Open our hearts to the full truth.

Your people lack the love that would bind them together. Indifference, discord and intolerance drive them apart.

Send your Spirit of Love into the hearts of your Faithful to guide them to work actively for the unity of Christians.

Teach us to work with one mind to fulfill the command that Jesus gave us.

Remove from us all selfishness, formalism and narrow-mindedness. Open our eyes, enlighten our minds, inflame our hearts that we may see and accomplish what will be for your greater honor and glory.


The Advocate

The Advocate is a monthly newsletter author by the State Advocate and is intended for the Council Advocates, Grand Knights and District Deputies. It provides guidance on the interpretation of the Charter, Constitution and Laws of the Order, Laws and Rules Governing the Fourth Degree, Councils and Assemblies.


The information published in The Advocate newsletters is not intended to be legal advice upon which any person can rely for securing rights or remedies cognizable under the law of any jurisdiction.

2020 Advocate

2019 Advocate

2018 Advocate

2017 Advocate

Warden's Corner

The Warden's Corner is a bi-monthly missive produced by the State Warden and is intended to be a communique for the council wardens across the State. Warden's Corner is an excellent resource for those Brother Knights interested in protocol related information.

2018 Wardens Corner

2017 Wardens Corner

2016 Wardens Corner

Treasure Trove