Charitable Foundation
Director Central

Doug Weinkauff

Doug is 58 years old, married to his wife Cathy for 37 years and together have four daughters, one son and eight grand children.  He grew up in Saskatchewan and is now retired, living on an acreage near Alix, Alberta.

He and his family belong to St. Steven Parish at Lacombe where Doug is an active member of the Knights of Columbus Council 8969.

Doug joined the Knights of Columbus in Saskatchewan in 1975 and after moving to Wilkie, served on several positions in the Wilkie Council.  From there they moved to Yellowknife and again was active in Father Gathy Council 7725, being Deputy Grand Knight and Grand Knight.  He was also Faithful Navigator of the Fourth Degree for Bro. Kearney O.M.I. Assembly.

He has worked as service manager at Wilkie Ford in Wilkie Saskatchewan for 19 years and the last 18 years at Kingsland Ford in Yellowknife, N.W.T.

He is very proud to be a third generation Knight along with his father Marcus and son Jonathan.  Doug is now retired and looking forward to enjoying his grand children and doing more charitable work with the Knights of Columbus.